Good Governance — (deutsch Gute Regierungsführung) bezeichnet ein gutes Steuerungs und Regelungssystem einer politisch gesellschaftlichen Einheit wie etwa eines Staates oder einer Gemeinde. Es beinhaltet gutes Regierungs und auch Verwaltungshandeln einschließlich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
good governance — UK US noun [U] SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, GOVERNMENT, MANAGEMENT ► the effective and responsible management of an organization, a country, etc. which includes considering society’s needs in the decisions it makes: »The debt relief plan would exclude… … Financial and business terms
Good governance — The terms governance and good governance are increasingly being used in development literature. Governance describes the process of decision making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented). Hereby, public… … Wikipedia
Good Governance Party — Leader Tsutomu Hata Founded January 23, 1998 (1998 01 23) Dissolved April 27, 1998 (1998 04 27) … Wikipedia
Good Governance — im Rahmen der entwicklungspolitischen Debatte der 90er Jahre entwickelter Sammelbegriff für ⇡ Best Practices im Bereich des Regierungshandelns entwickelt. Darunter versteht man u.a. die effiziente Gestaltung der öffentlichen Verwaltung und die… … Lexikon der Economics
Campaign for Good Governance — The Campaign for Good Governance (CGG) is democracy supporting NGO in Sierra Leone. CGG promotes the building of democratic institutions, transparency and accountability in government, active citizen participation in the political process, voter… … Wikipedia
National Alliance for Good Governance — The National Alliance for Good Governance is a political party in Zimbabwe. Its candidate, Shaka Maya, won 0.5% at the presidential elections of 9 11 March 2002. After the last legislative elections, 31 March 2005, the party remained without… … Wikipedia
Governance — relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power, or verify performance.It consists either of a separate process or of a specific part of management or leadership processes. Sometimes people set up a government to administer these… … Wikipedia
Governance in higher education — refers to the means by which higher educational (also tertiary or postsecondary) institutions are formally organized and managed, though often there is a distinction between definitions of management and governance. Simply, university governance… … Wikipedia
Governance — (von frz. gouverner, „verwalten, leiten, erziehen“, aus lat. gubernare; gleichbedeutend griech. κυβερνάω /kybernáo: das Steuerruder führen; vgl. Kybernetik) – oft übersetzt als Regierungs , Amts bzw. Unternehmensführung –, auch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
governance — gov‧er‧nance [ˈgʌvənəns ǁ vər ] noun [uncountable] also corporate governance COMMERCE the way a company is managed at the highest level: • There is growing interest by institutional investors in the governance of companies in which they own stock … Financial and business terms